A more right-wing parliament – the result of the rise of conservatives and the decline of environmentalists – is likely to emerge from the ballot boxes in federal elections on October 22.

The green wave seems to have subsided, according to the penultimate election poll by the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC), carried out by the Sotomo research institute and published on Wednesday.

The Green Party is now 2.5 percentage points down on the previous federal election in 2019. Until now, the Liberal Green Party had held its own and managed to offset some of these losses. This is no longer the case: for the first time the party has lost ground (-0.5 percentage points).

“In 2019, the Liberal Greens benefited from the progressive spirit that prevailed. The climate is now more favourable to the conservatives,” said Sotomo political scientist Michael Hermann.

At the other end of the spectrum, the right-wing Swiss People’s Party is looking more and more like the winner on October 22, with a gain of two percentage points. As a result, Switzerland’s largest party could win 27.6% of the vote, its third-highest tally.