Just making sure I’m in the right place. I cannot see any developed communities here so I’ve started wondering, what’s the real place everyone from Reddit has moved to? I’ve heard something about Discuit, but never tried it.

  • Polar@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    YouTube sucks, but I don’t want them to die. The insane amount of educational videos on there would be lost. I can pull up a video on how to repair a certain electronic, uploaded 14 years ago, where the uploader is MIA, but it still helped me fix my issue.

    Not to mention any other service that tries to replicate YouTube will 100% have crazier monetization, with potential forced subscription. YouTube was built up slowly. Any new service will have to launch knowing potential billions of users will sign up and upload day 1. How do you even prepare for that? I mean shit, when new games launch, like Call of Duty, every fucking year the servers are flaky for a week+. They never learn.