I like to ask a variety of questions, sometimes silly, serious, and/or strange. Never asking in an attempt to pester or “just asking questions” stuff.

I’m generally curious and/or trying to get a sense of people’s views.

  • 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • More and more I’ve been listening to podcasts or treating Youtube videos like podcasts. It lets me multitask in a way that sitting down and trying to watch something just doesn’t.

    How much of them do you catch as you’re multitasking? Any time I try this I’m astounded at my unwitting ability to almost entirely tune out whatever they’re talking about, defeating any point to playing the podcast outside of giving myself some background noise.

  • Would you happen to mean readers with filtering tools? If so I’m interested as well.

    I know Thunderbird technically has them, but I’ve had trouble making them work as effectively as I’d like. RSSOwl had some that were easier to work with, but stopped being updated. There’s now a fork of it called RSSOwlnix, but I haven’t taken the time to see whether it still works as well or not. May be worth looking into though…

  • I think this is all pretty good advice, thanks!

    However, this & the other replies, have made me realize I should have taken more time with the body text of this question. What I was a little more interested in was less the one-on-one interactions, and more something like…“How might one co-opt bad faith methods to spread helpful, good information?”

    It’s so easy to to toss out bad, harmful information, but might there be some ways to more easily put out good, helpful information that sticks with people? Or at a minimum, more benign info that doesn’t gradually push people down darker paths? 🤔