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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023

  • Gotcha. And no, lol, I don’t believe in fairy tales. But that’s interesting about the sources. I’d like to read about that. It was my understanding that any mention of him was centuries later but even decades is suspect. Think about it - how in the world would nobody write about such events at the time? Why would it be decades before any mention? A logical answer is that by then the leaders could craft some legend or even maybe just exaggerate based on some kind of stories that existed. Point is, once we’re dealing with a time when the written word was already common, it makes no sense that such miraculous tales would not be written about widely and plentifully.

  • Yeah if I’m not mistaken there are contemporary records of Genghis Khan, no?

    The first ever mention of Jesus at all is in a writing from 300+ years after his supposed life. Also, Jesus is a character from a religious text which we all know cannot be trusted as historical fact. I think - but I could be wrong - that Genghis Khan is written about in numerous corroborating texts from the actual era? Someone check me on that please.

    Edit: yeah I looked it up GK was in the 12th century that’s really not ancient. He’s written about in many sources from across Asia and Europe in many languages. That’s corroborating evidence. Jesus is not mentioned anywhere other than scriptures from hundreds of years after his supposed existence.

    Plus there have been numerous figures in other mythologies that have many or most of the same characteristics which make it more likely a classical kind of archetype. Mithra, Horus, Krishna… and a handful of others who predate Jesus’ supposed existence. That’s actually counter-evidence that supports the idea that he was not real, in fact.

  • Try music or a relaxation app. I love those. I used to have one where you could make recipes of sounds. I had thunderstorm + crackling campfire + mild creaking of wooden deck as an old sail ship tilts back and forth. Fucking pure opium to my body. I loved it. It’s like the most peaceful combination of sounds I’ve ever heard.

    Anyway, I’m always around to chat if you ever want. I barely sleep lol. Also my son has issues like this where he’s online and doesn’t think to stop and rest. We are working on it.