-credit to nedroid for strange art

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/360_deal

    It’s a music deal that lets the labels take a cut of everything, including revenue streams artists used to have to themselves – shows, sponsorship deals, merchandising.

    It used to be that if you bought, for example, a concert t-shirt or stickers or whatever (unsure if CDs/tapes were ever exempt) at the live performance that the artist got all or most of that. Artists could also control their own merchandising and aspects of their persona outside of the studio… personal appearances etc. but now the record labels ‘own’ them more completely. A terrible turn in general, and most labels demand a ‘360 deal or nothing’ to new artists.

    “Merch” used to be the way artists made a lot of their income while on tour, since they didn’t make nearly as much from their album sales from an already unfair record-deal system; now they can’t even catch a fair break on tour.

    Huge acts can negotiate better deals; the rest are stuck with unfair terms.

  • Snowden asserted and still does that he deleted his own copies once Greenwald et al. got their copies, well before he had to flee Hong Kong and ended up trapped in Russia.

    Remember, it was the US who trapped him in Russia by revoking his passport – an international crime in and of itself, rendering him stateless which no country should do to its citizens, no matter what crimes they have allegedly commited – and he had no intention of ending up there; he was trying to get to Chile I believe, and the EU did the unprecedented step of force-grounding their equivalent of Air Force One, with their president on board, thinking Snowden was a passenger.

    Imagine if the POTUS had his plane accompanied by fighter jets to force-land in any other nation. The response would have been explosive, literally. Such hypocrisy that they just wave off other nations’ sovereignty and diplomatic norms on the treatment of foreign leaders so easily.