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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 14th, 2023


  • American aid USAID is the laziest thing Americans can do for Africa because 75% of the country is too fat to fly there and 100% are too stupid to know what to do.

    The Chinese put in sweat equity while Americans avoid sweating at all costs because it’ll ruin their new Tee shirt or whatever.

    Statistically speaking, 75% of people commenting in here are over 250lbs and never seen a flight longer than 3 hours. Thus making it impossible to help in any realistic way.

    The Chinese are just taking over what colonials and Americans have abandoned because it let’s face it, they have a racism and fascism problem.

    Americans think throwing worthless dollars at problems they can solve anything.

    You guys really are fucking collapsing huh?

  • It’s so funny because when the social media’s companies were spying on kids in the early 00’s nobody lifted a finger and now since Congress can’t control kids because they all left the shitty American Conservative spy network of Facebook, Google, and Snap they gotta shut down the Chinese spy network so they can add it to their conservative spy network.

    American tech companies suck dick and eat shit. Non-compete agreements have been the cause but now lets see some shit come out that circumvents the shitbag spy network.

  • I bet GTA VI will feel like all the others and not be too innovative because why? Their player base is just degenerates. The game design is to fuck each other and the NPCs up while giving you the feeling that you can do anything without taking responsibility.

    I’m not that gamer though. I like complicated thinking while smashing and grabbing. GTA doesn’t have that so I made up my own scenarios (RP before it was a thing with my friends in person typically while drinking) and played my own game when San Andreas was out. IV and V were just nice updates to the same game SA was.

    The stories were bland at best. The missions are bland too. Makes sense how RP got popular because the game itself is just tropes and cliches and stuff we already see IRL. They just capitalized on it. Rockstar isn’t some amazing company they just show you what you already see but in a video game. It’s not creative, it’s just observant and opining.

    RDR2 was a great story but that’s where that game ends. It’s another sandboxed GTA in old west times. Nothing special.

    You can’t choose your destiny. You just sit in a sandbox trapped and stimulated by simple dopamine triggers without puzzles to work the mind and skill. Kind of like real life.

    Overall it’s not a bad series. For what it is it is fun. To act out and be irresponsible in a vidya game is for sure fun. Maybe it’s even a work of art? I would agree. But it’s not something that is really innovative at this juncture. It’s not profitable.

  • Everyone sucks at business. Everyone. Businesses is an art form. You can do anything you want with it.

    Check this out. Free isn’t a real thing. You cannot build a site in your free time and then give it away for free and expect people to pick up the slack.

    You need to charge people. So you need a secure way to handle information and payments.

    NOBODY wants ads anywhere anymore. It’s mind poison from another time.

    Creator owned platforms is where its at.

    Nebula.tv is a great example.

    If you cannot figure out a pay schedule then hire or collaborate with someone who does.

  • And Windows is a huge red flag for this. Literally two OS’s working at the same time make it a shit product. One OS for legacy users who know what cmd and control panel are and the new junk system where they want to circumvent the first OS and slither all of your information to their shit tier One Drive. One Drive is iCloud without security.

    Absolutely garbage and cannot wait to feel confident in a dual boot or just straight Linux because this is just stupid tech making people helpless and hamstringing them as per usual.

  • Thats not true. There are rather large payroll services using it to settle transactions because it is leagues cheaper than using the old outdated system the world uses.

    The fun part is that you and I do not benefit from it because then the payroll service would have to give our companies cheaper rates for cheaper transactions. It A LOT of money they are making in savings not being transfer to markets.

    Bank of America is an example of test cases using crypto services to settle payroll transactions and its been largely successful.

    The reason the public gets the scammy stuff is because they don’t know any better. Look at 2008. Even that didn’t change the understanding of the public about how they know little about finance and how the world actually moves and got caught again by believing in the scammers.

    It’s not crypto thats the problem, it’s gullibility and a typically ill informed public.

    By 2030 global financial systems will absolutely be running cryptocurrencies as clearing houses and the public will not see a price difference because the public doesn’t know much about finance (literally nothing). It’s so incredibly efficient compared to Nacha.