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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • Great points, as someone who is very happy with their current home automation and services, checking in the config files to a git repo was the critical step. Also backup volumes since many containers tend to store state in some binary or internal DB. At the very least try restoring the config to verify you have what’s needed. The containers should start even if they have no media on it.

    In terms of tinkering not being fun anymore. That’s okay, sometimes you need a break.

    A point that is sometimes not brought up enough in my opinion is to plan for loses. What can you afford to lose if you can’t backup everything (due to price, etc.)? config files and photos or personal data are relatively small (compared to something like a media library) and should be prioritized.

  • For #1 I would say not to focus on learning the same kind of thing that you started at some point recently. It took me a few months to get my local setup going since I would do it after work (also similar skills) and get tired of poking around.

    At some point I gave up and started doing other things that brought me joy (video games, paint night with YouTube tutorials, movies/TV). When I finally decided to get back to it, it was enjoyable again. If I have to re-do it from scratch it could be done in probably a few hours or at most some nights after work and would be enjoyable since the annoying “got ya” lessons are somewhere on memory or some searches away that could be filtered much quicker.

  • I have made that migration myself going from a Raspberry PI 4 to a n100 based NAS. It was 10 minutes for the software stack as you said This not taking into account media migration which was done on the background over a few hours on WiFi (I had everything on an external hard drive at the time).

    That last part is the only thing I would change about my self hosting solution. Yes, the NAS has a nice form factor, is power efficient and has so far been very optimal for my needs (no lag like rpi4), however I have seen they don’t really sell motherboard or parts to repair them. They want you to replace it with another one. Reason 2 on the same is vendor lock in. Depending on the options you select when creating the storage groups/pools (whatever they are called), you could be stuck needing to get something from the same vendor to read your data if the device stops working but the disks are salvageable. Reason 3 is they’ve had security incidents so a lot of the “features” I would not recommend using ever to avoid exposing your data to ransomware over the internet. I don’t trust their competitors either. I know how commercial software is made with the smallest amount of care for security best practices.

  • Sounds like a case of some edge lord marketing senior director idiot thinking any publicity is good publicity.

    This will bring awareness to the brand and we can dismiss it as “omg, we totally started the campaign before the elimination of Palestinians”.

    Even if Israel had not attacked or responded to attacks or whatever you want to call it, you have to be pretty tone deaf to think images of rubble and dead mannequins would be a good look given the current events elsewhere in the world. Dumbasses.

  • Sorry for the delay,

    Added some descriptions in case someone runs by this and is not familiar with some of the items. Keep in mind that this is what I was familiar with and does not necessarily represent what everyone experienced under the same dish name :)

    Some of what I grew up with is already on the usual suspects list, but maybe there will be a new one here and there:

    1. Tacos: Soft corn tortilla with anything on it. E.g. at home you could do an egg with salsa and call it a taco.
    2. Tortas de Lomo: Pork back/loin/shoulder thinly sliced and included with onions, tomatos, avocado, sour creme (slightly different than american sour creme but similar). In my area the buns were either steamed before adding the ingredients or placed in a grill press like Panini. Meat could be replaced with: Cheese, chorizo, steak, etc. but pork was the most popular where I grew up (area was known for raising pigs).
    3. Tamales: Corn dough filled with one or more of: beef, pork, chicken, cheese & jalapenos, etc. Steamed in dry corn leaves.
    4. Pozole: Pork based soup with Hominy (not the same flavor as corn). Topped with lettuce/cabagge, radishes and lime juice (optional oil based chili sauce).
    5. Menudo: Grease beef based soup (generally tripe and other internals). Topped with some freshly diced onion and lime juice (optional oil based chili sauce).
    6. Enchiladas: Oil & chile fried corn tortillas, filled with potato or similar. Topped with cabbage and dried crumbled cheese.

    Some of what I grew up with that is slightly less popular (in the US at least) but are likely available in some US restaurants (or many in some states):

    1. Chiles Rellenos: Pasilla or poblano peppers filled with cheese or some other item (e.g. chicken), surrounded in shallow fried egg mix. Generally paired with rice or in our case a tomato/onion homemade soup.
    2. Taquitos: deep fried corn tortillas (rolled or folded), filled with potatoes or some other ingredient. Topped with lettuce or cabbage and paired with pickled onions, carrots and salsa.
    3. Enfrijoladas. Watery/oily bean dipped/fried corn tortillas. Filled with potatoes/cheese/chicken, etc. Topped with cabbage and dried crumbled cheese.
    4. Coctel de camaron y pulpo: Shrimp and octopus with diced goodies (generally, tomato, onion, cilantro, cucumber) in a red savory sauce/juice (tomato, ketchup, clamato, mandarin, chipotle, or other ingredients. depending on who prepared it).
    5. Pescado empanizado: Breaded fried fish, paired with rice, beans and a cole salad.
    6. Mojarra dorada: Fried fish (similar to tilapia I think), paired with rice, beans, salad.

    Some items that are popular (and yummy when I’ve tried them), but not very common in my region:

    1. Sopa Purepecha (sometimes called Sopa Tarasca): bean based soup with fried tortilla strips and sour cream and cheese toppings.
    2. Chiles en nogada: Poblano or Pasilla chiles, generally filled with meat and topped with a nut sauce and pomegranate. Not super familiar with them growing up, but heard about them.

    Some items that I mostly had at home, although I’ve seen it in restaurants from time to time

    1. Corundas: Corn dough steamed in a corn (green) leaves. Served halved and with sour cream, cheese and salsa (sour cream could be omitted).
    2. Picadillo: Ground meat, with potatoes, carrots and whatever you had at hand (corn, chickpeas, etc) in a broth to make a tasty soup. Could be finished with some lime juice and hot sauce (the bottled kind).
    3. Caldo de res: Beef bone with some meat on it. Boiled with veggies, and generally at least 1 corn on the husk (split in pieces).
    4. Caldo de pollo: Similar to caldo de res, but used chicken and chicken bones instead. Compared to chicken noodle soup, it is less salty and more mellow. Could have some small amount of rice added in to the bottom.
    5. Albondigas (meat balls, but very different from what is known in US). Very similar to Picadillo in terms of veggies, but the meat was packed into balls with some rice and egg to keep the shape.
    6. Frijoles de la olla: Beans from the pot (generally a clay pot). Had to be the fresh batch and paired with diced green onions, crumbled cheese and maybe some diced onion/tomato. They taste so much different when fresh.

    Desserts and drinks

    1. Chongos Zamoranos - curdle milk with sugar and cinnamon. I would love this as a kid (now it is a little too sweet).
    2. Cajeta de Leche - Caramelized milk. Highly recommend the goat’s milk version. Generally added on top of bread (packaged sliced white bread was fine).
    3. Fresas con Cema - Frozen strawberries (for us from the Irapuato region known for strawberries) with Chantilly cream
    4. Aguas Frescas - Sugary water with lots of ice and fruit or similar base (popular flavors: Tamarind, Sweet Lime, Strawberry, Hibiscus & Orchata)

    Hopefully you will find at least 1 item that is yummy and available in your area. Googling the name, might give you an idea of what to look for. Cheers!