Father; husband; mechanical engineer. Posting from my self-hosted Lemmy instance here in beautiful New Jersey. I also post from my Pixelfed instance.

  • 26 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Yes, BDS Movement acknowledges that there are many extensive boycott lists out there:

    Many feel compelled to boycott any and all products and services of companies tied in any way to Israel. The proliferation of extensive “boycott lists” on social media is a result of this. The question is how to make boycotts effective and actually have an impact in holding corporations accountable for their complicity in the suffering of Palestinians?

    The BDS movement uses the historically successful method of targeted boycotts inspired by the South African anti-apartheid movement, the US Civil Rights movement, the Indian anti-colonial struggle, among others worldwide.

    We must strategically focus on a relatively smaller number of carefully selected companies and products for maximum impact. We need to target companies that play a clear and direct role in Israel’s crimes and where there is real potential for winning, as was the case with, among others, G4S, Veolia, Orange, Ben & Jerry’s and Pillsbury. Compelling large, complicit companies, through strategic and context-sensitive boycott and divestment campaigns, to end their complicity in Israeli apartheid and war crimes against Palestinians sends a very powerful message to hundreds of other complicit companies that “your time will come, so get out before it’s too late!”

    Many of the prohibitively long lists going viral on social media do the exact opposite of this strategic and impactful approach. They include hundreds of companies, many without credible evidence of their connection to Israel’s regime of oppression against Palestinians. Many do not have clear demands to the companies as to what we expect them to do to end the boycott, making them ineffective.

    If you feel like personally boycotting every company that has anything to do with Israel then go for it, but that’s not a real plan.

  • You’re more or less describing cap-and-trade…

    I don’t think I am. Under cap-and-trade, it’s still possible for more than a safe amount of fossil fuels to be extracted from the ground within a given time period and subsequently burned. There’s some similarity in the market mechanism, but in my scheme it’s connected to actual fossil fuel extraction, not hypothetical emissions quantities.

    If suburbia was an advantageous place for them, they’d already be there. …

    I don’t think the wolves are instinctively avoiding human populations. Wolves were deliberately exterminated from these places, so deliberate efforts are required to bring them back.

    … high voltage transmission means that a plant can still be a few tens of kms outside of a city before transmission losses start to add up.

    Transmission losses aren’t the issue. If the plants are close to where people live and work then you can take advantage of cogeneration to provide district heating and utility steam. Also, urban nuclear plants can strengthen the relationship with agricultural regions by generating hydrogen/ammonia for GHG free fertilizer.

    Any sort of dirty water recovery is more efficient at the municipal scale…

    I agree, but homes should already have the plumbing to automatically collect bathing and laundry water for flushing toilets. The excess can get sent to the municipal water treatment plant and set aside for industrial uses.

    Seems that’s not a super easy thing to do (read expensive)…

    It gets more inefficient if the pee is mixed with the rest of the wastewater, so the idea is to adapt our bathrooms to help keep it separate. Perhaps converting to composting toilets, which collect urine separately, is the way go to here to help with gray water management as well. Anyway, if recovering phosphate from urine seems expensive, that’s just relative to mining it from problematic places.

  • I’ve got a few:

    • In addition to fluoride, water supplies should be dosed with small amounts of lithium. Maybe LSD, too.
    • Incel bounties: Anyone who has trouble getting laid can check into a facility where they are assigned a bounty equal to a set rate times the days they’ve spent in the facility. They can leave any time, but the clock restarts if they come back. Volunteers may show up and offer to have sex with a participant. If the participant agrees and the deed is done, the bounty gets split between the volunteer and the participant.
    • Hard rationing of greenhouse gas emissions: every year everyone gets issued an equal amount of GHG vouchers that, in total, represent a safe amount of GHGs that can be emitted that year. Fossil fuel companies then need to buy these vouchers on the market and turn them into the government in order to get permission to extract the representative amount of fossil fuels. Doing so without permission would carry a severe penalty. This concept could be applied to water supplies, fisheries, and other resources as well.
    • Imputed rent as taxable income instead of flat property or wealth taxes.
    • No fares for urban public transit. Instead, a special property tax should be applied to real estate inversely proportional to its walking distance from transit stops.
    • Reintroduce wolves to suburban areas to keep the deer under control.
    • Electric airships instead of fossil fuel powered passenger jets.
    • Nuclear power plants within or adjacent to urban centers, especially in colder climate regions.
    • Gray water recovery built into homes and municipal water systems.
    • Urine collection programs for phosphate recovery.