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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • This what? These people are religious fanatics so self absorbed in superstition and nonsense that they will literally blow themselves up and kill a bunch of people just out having breakfast because they don’t like the hours of operation one group sets for a pile of rocks some other group wants to visit on one day but not on another day. It is their utter lack of empathy and rationality that makes them evil pieces of shit. They aren’t fucking freedom fighters standing up for innocent people. They are morons who want religious control over their own people and every other person, absolute male domination of women in society, minority rule, and the ethnic cleansing of Jewish people from the middleeast.

    With the support of useful idiots as you, of course.

  • Just my medicolegal experience. Not sure what you mean by fatalist or veneer of scientific authority, though medicolegal science is a thing, I said up front I wasn’t a scientist and that my experience was in resolving and litigating coverage disputes or how you’d simplify my conclusions into such a slogan. I clearly said the entire art suffers from inadequate validity and training that ends up getting people seriously injured or killed.

    Oh, it’s fatalist of me to say the law and insurance industry say patients may elect that risk? I suppose, that’s the way it is right now. Certainly doesn’t have to be. The political will of regular people is too distracted by culture wars and disinformation to be hopeful that Congress is going to step in and regulate chiropractic. We have serious challenges like maintaining democratic governance to be so focused on this. You want to regulate something that maims and kills people, I have about twenty other things way more urgent before we get to chiropracty. If you want to spend all your political capital in this one place, have at it. I hope you’re right and chiropractic medicine is the most imminent of our problems; is that fatalist?

  • I’ve worked with these issues a lot in representing injured workers, including litigating coverage of chiro treatment. In my experience, insurers will always cover chiropractic if it is under the direction of a doctor. A lot of orthos send their patients to chiros for treatment. Insurer is fine approving eight or twelve sessions as ordered by the treater. Where they have a problem is when it’s the chiropractor directing the care. You know, if you get hurt and you just go straight to the chiropractor, they will say they need to treat you indefinitely, twice a week or something.

    As for efficacy, it’s undeniable that chiropractic care feels good. If it feels good and the patient believe it’s working, that’s enough to make it work for real. No doubt, there are plenty of studies that bear out improvements of objective functional capacity and subjective pain ratings after chiropractic care. The mechanism is that the “adjustments” affect the autonomic, sympathetic, and parasympathetic nervous systems, and prompt the release of neuroendocrine factors such as serotonin and dopamine. For some people that is enough to feel better and even heal. For insurers, many of them are happy to pay for a course of chiro care because doing so may save them from having to pay for continued Ortho followups, skilled PT, guided injections, or even surgical interventions.

    On the other hand, chiropractic education and practice is highly subjective, and the entire field lacks consistency and validity, and IMO is inadequate for the forces it exerts on the most sensitive part of the human body: the cervical spine. Cervical manipulations are highly dangerous. It can severe arteries, cause strokes, cause stroke-like symptoms from nerve palsy, and can break vertebrae; this can easily paralyze or kill a patient, and the chiro cannot know these forces are likely safe for a patient unless they’ve reviewed prior imaging of the cervical spine and know for sure there are no preexisting stress fractures, lesions, or neural impingement.

    At this point the industry is so large and powerful that the medical industry and regulatory structure has decided that patients may decide to bear these risks for themselves.

  • That’s when you most need to do it.

    Here’s a link for you. Just listen to it with headphones and try to say the phrases out loud along with her (or repeating after her if there are pauses between them). Nice female voice for you even.

    You do not have to believe these phrases as you say them. It’s like when someone says “don’t think about a horse,” and because humans are so silly, we immediately think of a horse.

    You say these things and the phrases are stated in such a way that they trick your subconscious into believing. People say it even works if you play these through headphones as you sleep, because your subconscious brain still hears a lot of it. Your brain is already affecting you with things that are not true, “I’m a total loser” “I’ll never have any friends” “I should not have moved to this city.” Whatever.

    Doing things feels hard because you’re avoiding the emotions that come from negative thoughts about the thing you want to do, and what those negative thoughts might mean about you. It’s a trap. If your brain is saying shit to you like “should/shouldn’t have” or “always/never” it’s cue right away that whatever your brain is saying is not true. Positive affirmations will help.


  • Damn, op is 31 but at 35 you’re one foot in the grave. Nah jk. Listen don’t worry about meeting someone. Just go out and make friends in person. Literally you can just go to the same public place every day and meet all the regulars. Helps if it’s some kind of group activity or knowledge sharing activity. Get into something and make some friends; if you keep at it you’ll meet someone that makes each other’s parts will tingle. And if not you’ll have a bunch of friends.

    All life is suffering. You can suffer the discomfort of loneliness or the discomfort of rejection. Probably at the end of the day they are equally uncomfortable but one of these options has the advantage of solving itself over time.

    Another pro tip is to fill your head with positive, affirmative thoughts. Spend ten minutes in the morning repeating a lot of statements such as “I have conquered my fear of public speaking many times over; I love how I feel after a day of hard work; everywhere I go people smile at me.”

    Use someone else’s list or write your own. Any thoughts you have that makes you feel empowered, write them down. If you spend some time on this in the morning, when your brain inevitably starts talking shit later in the day, it’s going to have these positive affirmations right at its finger tips. You WILL find that two things start to happen: you have fewer, negative, intrusive thoughts, and when you do have them, they won’t be as disruptive to whatever your plans and goals are. It really works. If you follow along with a premade positive affirmations video on YouTube, I guarantee you will notice results the same day. 10 to 30 minutes every morning. Will change your life.