We probably don’t agree.
I probably said something you didn’t like.
You look lovely, by the way. New shirt?

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I like girls. I like how they look, I like the way they sound, I LOVE their fashion options. It isn’t really any deeper than that. That said, I’ll usually always play a male character in a Souls title, because [insert valid reason for inconsistency here.]

    EDIT: I guess if I had to further expand on this, I’d say that female characters give me a way to explore options I don’t have as a tall, bearded, broad, ‘built’ man. I’ve always loved cuteness, hyperfeminine fashion, “girly stuff”, and so in addition to just really, really liking girls, video games allow me to explore the cute, feminine avenues I can’t in the real world.

    Also, as another commenter stated, I’d also just rather look at a girl’s ass than a guy’s for the entirety of a playthrough lmao

  • Keep in mind this is the same guy who said that he idolizes the way Musk has been running Twitter. It’s a real shame, because reddit is the only place I know to get actual real answers from actual real people for generally difficult or otherwise niche questions. I don’t use reddit anymore as a user, but without Google search, reddit is done (given that even ex-users like myself still affix ‘reddit’ to the end of a search query.) I have no idea what Spez is planning, but it can’t be any improvements to his site, because holy shit.

  • Spotify is literally the only subscription service that I haven’t cut ties with, because as much as I hate its horrific data harvesting, I’m running it on GrapheneOS with legitimately next to zero privileges in a sandbox, and for what I’m paying, I truly do feel I’m getting my money’s worth. I use it every single day, and while I have all my music stored locally (as in legitimately scraped and downloaded, not ‘downloaded’), I only did so as a precaution just in case Spotify decides to fuck things up and I also choose to cancel it as well.