Repple (she/her)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I don’t doubt that there was a kernel of truth to the jealousy aspect of your original comment, wanting to live there but not being able to afford it seems likely for some as CA has a lot going for it. But then you called people who dislike it uncultured, and even fat shamed them. I would say that went too far, and that’s the attitude I was responding to. The attitude in this comment is civil and one I can have an actual conversation about the pros and cons of California with.

  • I think California is an okay place, but there are several things that annoy me about it, and here are some:

    The houseless problem seems extremely poorly managed. I lived in NYC for six years and have visited California a few times. From my experiences, both SF and LA appear to have much larger populations living outdoors (I checked and this is true, 75% of LA’s population vs 6% in NYC, and the cities are comparable in both population and houseless population). Additionally, I’ve had more issues interacting with houseless people in CA than in NYC despite having lived in Manhattan many times longer than I’ve spent in CA. My guess is this is due to worse services/mental health services in CA. I would frequently buy food or coffee for houseless individuals in NYC and never had an issue. I once gave a couple of dollars to someone CA for bus money. They yelled at me because they needed a couple more for the bus. Another time I was followed for several blocks.

    California as a state and population seems to be at least as much bluster as action. I don’t want to detract from some real actions, like car electrification requirements, but for example, prop 65, the “known to the state of California to cause cancer” labels. A) California seems to “know” many things that science does not. B) no one pays any attention to these labels, but they sure cost a lot to produce C) if anything, this will cause people to ignore future warnings for real things or even current ones like on cigarettes.

    As a longtime resident of Hawaii, this one just annoys me. California claimed it was the first state to plastic bags. This is false; As of May 11, 2014, they were banned across Hawaii. This did not stop California from claiming the victory when a law was signed later that year that didn’t go into effect until July 2015. California doesn’t just not know what causes cancer, they don’t know how to use google despite it being from their state. I suppose you could argue semantically that Hawaii’s ban was not statewide, as it was technically four bans, one in each of the counties, but that’s splitting hairs.