Privacy & Foss advocate, and Linux user.
Ace 🖤🩶🤍💜

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Rustmilian@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer{:3|:3&};:3
    7 months ago

    Sudo is for getting the necessary perms to write the data to the location after the > operator. Cat is just super fast, faster than dd infact as it’s not actually intended to write to disks, only to stout. We want as much speed as possible to do as much damage as possible by increasing our chances of trigging bugs.

  • Rustmilian@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer{:3|:3&};:3
    7 months ago

    /dev/urandom provides an unlimited stream of random data, the output is based on truly random data and doesn’t block regardless if the entropy pool is depleted.
    It’s not the same as /dev/random which only returns random numbers from the entropy pool at a limited rate and can block if the entropy pool is deplete.

    By using /dev/urandom and cat we’re blasting random data at much faster speeds then what /dev/random & dd are capable of which increases our chances of triggering a bug by quite a bit.

  • Not all instances keep logs…
    Some intentionally discard them, look into the policys of the instance you’re signing up to.
    All your comments and posts are hosted on your parent instance then shared to the federated instances.
    Some instances don’t even let you sign up with an email or make it optional. keeps logs, but much more controversial instances often don’t.
    Also it’s much more complex, because you have to think about the scope of the potential lawsuit as well as the given evidence that a user is actually sharing the material infringing on their copyright; which will not be a large amount of the user base. They can’t simply sue a user for having an account, the user has to actively be sharing infringing material.

  • Exactly what I’m saying. It has nothing to do with his mental disorders, it’s purely social influence from the cybercriminal ring and egotism.
    He desires to be seen as a legend and the members of Lapsus$ are no doubt going to be praising the hell out of him for pulling off something so audacious.

    OP is making it out to be like he has psychopathy or ASPD or some shit, which is not a diagnosis that’s publicly known at this time even if that were the case. I’d rather not make massive generalizations of someone based on something that has 0 backing too.
    The only disorder we know he’s diagnosed with is acute autism and nothing else, which just as you said :

    It could be something as simple as needing to feel powerful in their space. That’s something a lot of people, autistic or not, can fall prey to

    Which is exactly the point I’m making.