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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Sure, I also wish monarchies are cut of the tax payers spigot.

    But why are you making this such a big point of having a rich old white dick getting preferential treatment? I thought you loved that shit in the USA. I thought the AMERICAN dream is to become a rich old white dick to get that sweet preferential (tax) treatment. To get your rich old white children get the same benefits through generational wealth.

    Be mad that in the EU people can pay for both a rich old white dude play a monarch and socialized healthcare. While ever time you try and do something similar all the old white dicks crawl out of the woodwork to tell “HoW cAn We EvEr PaY fOr ThAt?!”

  • Scribbd@feddit.nltoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlPackage managers be like
    11 months ago

    If we talk about solutions: python has plenty. Which might be overwhelming to the user.

    I use Direnv to manage my python projects. I just have to add layout pyenv 3.12.0 on top and it will create the virtual environment for me. And it will set my shell up to use that virtual environment as I enter that directory. And reset back to default when I leave the directory.

    But you could use pipenv, poetry, pdm, conda, mamba for your environment management. Pip and python do not care.

  • How is it telling, and of what? I think I got a good grasp of the socioeconomics of capitalism, and how it is moving our society in a (for me unwanted) direction.

    And I agree, we humans are naturally wired to cooperate. However, unfortunately also by nature’s design, we humans are all on a bell curve. The x-axis in this case is empathy/greed. And since we are with 8 billion, we got a lot of people that can land on either end tails of this curve.

    I am just claiming that our current economic system encourages greed and lack of empathy. And has the tendency to get these greedy people on the tail end in positions of money. And unfortunately, in capitalism money=(political) power.

    And please, don’t deny the existence of people that have sociopathic or psychopathic tendencies. Those that do not feel social obligations beyond what they self require. That do not have the sympathetic wiring we all have on top of the bell curve.

    And don’t deny that corporations in capitalism aren’t led by HUMANS. It is always a bunch of humans making calls about their policies and practices. They could decide any time to do better, but just don’t.

    Some are either born with a lack of empathy in their genes, or are raised to have all empathy be purged out of them. Or simply be given the idea that others below them don’t deserve their empathy.

    We would have a much more empathetic and social world if we were not susceptible to either not having or losing our empathy. And let greed fester.

    My last sentence was about this uplifting mechanism. I was trying to neither confirm nor deny the existence of a cabal. I totally see that a cabal existing is most likely. But I also have fallen for the pit called ‘attributing malice to incompetence and stupidity’ many times which has left me in miserable states of mind that are not healthy or productive for change. To not just assume total organized malice: I just assume jealousy and greed of those who can actually make decisions on pricing.

    That the greedy nature that some of us have, and many more have the higher you go in a corporate ladder. Those some that also have a tendency to rise up in our capitalistic society, are sometimes selfish self centered humans. That do get jealous that other peers are earning more than they are. That their company is not part of FANG. That they think they deserve the same, or even more, as they work ‘so hard, harder than anyone else’. While just blatantly being out of touch with what actual hard work is.

    That is my stance. Maybe a little too condensed to just ‘monkey see, monkey do’.

    BTW, I do believe this is also a problem with communism. That it has never been able to progress beyond the ‘oppression of the proletariat’-aka dictatorship-stage. Because there are always some people who see themselves as more important, or more equal, than others and deserving of more power or rewards than others. They also have a hard time letting go of that power. It takes just a few in positions of power, and the dictatorship is set to last and never transition to the stage beyond dictatorial-communism.