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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • It is possible. As long as the protocol allows sending bytes of data controlled by the user which XMPP allows.

    You would basically wrap http with XMPP. You need a server that would understand XMPP, read the payload, create the http request, do the request for you, wrap the response with XMPP and send it back to you.

    You can do that with DNS as well which would bypass probably everything. However, your bandwidth wouldn’t be great.

  • I open 443 and 80 on my router and forward it to a reverse proxy.

    I have a couple of service that are exposed but most of them make sense only when I’m home so I whitelist private IP address on my reverse proxy.

    If you do.your basic security such as updating your servers and services and not having dumb password, you shouldn’t be afraid. Think about it, all of the services that you use is exposed on the internet. I did work for big company and they don’t do much more than what you would probably do, except maybe having some automated monitoring that flag weird stuff. But hey, aside from bots, I don’t think Russian hackers are interested in your stuff. Stay low profile with your exposed things and it’s gonna be alright. Make sure you backup.

  • The hard part is the network. Everything is different with different ISP. The DNS is another challenge, you need to buy your ‘internet real estate’ and have it work correctly if your IP change.

    Security is another challenge but I think it’s easier to notice unusual traffic from your basement server than from a mega-tech-bro-corporation. There’s probably some easy software that could do that.

  • It seems that what you would like is something like 4chan, where the post will get deleted if it’s not popular. But even that, there is no way to prevent data harvesting. If it’s public, then it is public. There is nothing you can do about it. Encryption wouldn’t solve anything either because you want this data to be read by everyone so you cannot really encrypt it.

    The fediverse is kind of the same as a public room where anyone can come in and just listen, take note, see who is talking and respond in the same way.

    This is the point of social media. If you don’t want to participate in it because of privacy, then don’t and just lurk (or listen) like most people do.

    By definition, if it’s on the internet, it’s pretty much there forever. People need to be careful on what they share on the public space, in the same way you would when talking to a big crowd. You are not talking with your friends here, you are talking to the world. If you are any privacy, you just cannot have it here. That’s impossible.