• 6 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 18th, 2023


  • It was never actually about peace, order, or unity. It’s always been about money and power, from the begining of organized religion to the rise of governments. Chaos always has the upper hand and chaos is the real God people fear and sacrifice to out of fear in hopes that one day the pain of existence is pacified. But it never will be, so they perpetuate ego for the illusions of control and ignorant denial of reality. God never was. Order never was. And now we watch societies squirm in the unadulterated pain of the raw fact that humans are no better than animals and deserving of nothing more or less than dirt we walk on and the elements we abuse.

  • This is mind blowing to me. I understand different perspective and everything and am not trying to knock anyone that genuinely and whole heartedly gets into it. But I cant wrap my head around “X knows best so we must kill for them because they taught us that way.” Like there’s actually people that think like that while acting like they are their own individual and not just a cog in someone else’s game.

    On the other hand some people grow up in that culture and are that. Those are the real ones.