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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • So Troi is half betazoid, and grew up with her mother on betazed. Where, presumably, there was no chocolate.

    I know I know they have replicators and whatever. I just find it amusing that chocolate from Earth is so appealing as a flavor that less than a hundred years after joining the federation, Betazoid children are growing up loving chocolate frequently enough that Troi develops a strong taste for it.

  • I have something similar for my Subaru but it’s only 4 dollars a month.

    It’s a fee I gladly pay to be able to start my car and set the interior climate from my phone. I imagine there’s some cost the access a network to have that functionality and I don’t see a problem paying for it.

    The old style that started from a key fob required you to be a lot closer to the vehicle to start it. Right now I start it a few minutes before I leave my building a quarter of a mile away. I could start it from a different country if I wanted to. Needing to be within a few hundred feet would be pretty useless to me.

  • Most of those business are Amish owned and run. Guy I knew had three or four giant pickup trucks, generally he was towing pigs to slaughter but he would cart anything they asked him to. They didn’t trust the English to handle their business as far as they could throw them.

    It’s worth pointing out that the guy with the cell phone and pickup trucks also believed the world was flat. He was not a flat earther the way we think of one, and wouldn’t know what that meant if you asked him. It just happens to say in the Bible that the world has 4 corners, and so it must. As, according to him and almost every person in Amish communities everywhere, the Bible is literally and 100% truth.

  • I’ve lived near a few Amish communities, and they’re all a little different on what tech is present but it’s safe to say they all have some.

    Generally you’ll see electricity and phone lines to a special building, they won’t all have it but a few will. Lately they’ve ditched the landlines for cell phones, and they’ll have their spouses put parental blocks on them.

    The philosophy doesn’t really change much, it’s not about rejecting technology, it’s about being self sufficient, and not relying on the outside world for anything. The phones are mostly for business. But they’ll use them for Internet to get to Facebook and YouTube too.

    It’s also worth noting that the horse and buggy thing is pretty common but I’ve never met an Amish adult who didn’t at last have access to a pickup truck.

  • Destroying the meat industry isn’t going to have the beneficial impact you think it will.

    Most of the food we grow we can’t eat, most of the farmland we use exclusively to support livestock isn’t suitable for anything else. These animals are eating food that is otherwise biological waste that will simply decay and contribute to carbon emissions.

    I’m not saying there isn’t room for improvement, I am saying elimination isn’t improvement, it only creates more problems.

    This sets aside the problems created by eliminating animal fat and protein from our collective diet, which causes a health and nutrition problem on top of a pretty significant caloric deficit that again, we don’t necessarily have the agricultural land to replace.

    If being vegan is your jam then more power to you, but it isn’t the answer for society’s problems.