archomrade [he/him]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • It depends on the attack vector. Typically you’re right, but malicious .lnk files are often paired with other malicious methods to infect machines. Sometimes they’re configured as a worm that copies and spreads when a flash drive is connected, sometimes they’re configured to download a remote payload when another script or program is started. The problem is that it’s a type of file that’s often overlooked because it seems innocent.

    It isn’t necessarily the case that the Trojan needs to be interacted with by the user in order to execute the malicious code. Just having the file on your machine opens the door for all kinds of attacks (especially if you’re using a headless setup: you wouldn’t necessarily know you have the .lnk file in the system unless you’re manually unpacking your downloads yourself). All it needs is for another piece of infected code to run and look for that file, and it can open the door for more traditional malicious code.

    Edit: just as a for-instance - If I was a black hat and wanted to spread some malicious code, I could include this .lnk file in a torrent (innocuous enough to slip by unnoticed by most people/unscrupulous pirates), and then maybe place a line of code in a jellyfin plugin or script that looks for that file and executes it if it’s found. Because the attack isn’t buried in the plugin or script itself (most people wouldn’t think much of a line of code that’s simply pointing to temp file already on your system), it could theoretically go unnoticed for long enough to catch a few hundred or thousand machines.

  • Lots of good suggestions here

    I’m a bit surprised by your budget. For something just running plex and next cloud, you shouldn’t need a 6 or even 3k system. I run my server on found parts, adding up to just $600-$700 dollars including (used) SAS drives. It runs probably a dozen docker containers, a dns server, and homeassistant. I don’t even remember what cpu I have because it was such a small consideration when I was finding parts.

    I’d recommend keeping g your synology as a simple Nas (maybe next cloud too, depending on how you’re using it) and then get a second box with whatever you need for plex. Unless you’re transcoding multiple 4k videos at once, your cpu/GPU really don’t need much power. I don’t even have a dedicated GPU in mine, but I’m basically unable to do live 4k transcodes (this is fine for me)

  • I used to think the same thing, but I did an effort post about this about a year ago (here’s the link)

    The article you linked to says something similar to my own understanding: basically, DRM circumvention for personal use is officially not allowed under DMCA and could absolutely be used against you in court, though the likelihood is low. The exceptions the author mentions are pretty nebulous, and the Library of Congress actually addresses the most common cases in their discussions and publication and affirms that they are not allowed.

    I don’t personally agree with their interpretation, but I think more people ought to know that it’s officially not legal to circumvent DRM for personal use.

  • You can simultaneously be in both chambers, that’s the nice thing about federation

    I think it’s healthy for people to be pushed into modulating their own behavior when in mixed company, I think it encourages a richer and more challenging experience. I wouldn’t waltz into my local catholic church and start complaining about their stance on gay marriage, and then get mad when they decide they don’t want me there anymore. If you want to participate in that community, you have to find a way to communicate with them without crossing that ideological threshold. And if you’re just too dissimilar to get along at all then by golly, maybe that community isn’t a great fit.

  • Why don’t .ml users retreat to hexbear or lemmygrad, if making the moderation practices on one of the largest instances fair is so odious?

    lmao the gall of complaining about not being allowed to espouse your ideological opinion on their instance, and then suggesting they should be the ones to retreat to a different space.

    For me personally, it wouldn’t be a big issue if .ml made its bend and moderation practices clear, because I could have avoided the headache when I was first using lemmy.

    Well it seems like all those people are able to understand and live by those moderation practices just fine, maybe it’s a good thing that you’re not on .ml? has been happily existing as their own thing and their own rules, don’t you think it’s a little backwards that you’re suggesting they relinquish their community so that… what, everyone who’s not currently a part of .ml can move in? Is this a new form of digital colonialism I’m just not aware of?

    If you really don’t like .ml then block them, or get your instance admins to de-federate, or, idk, maybe just know whose house you’re in when you’re engaging in arguments along ideological fault lines? They have a different opinion than you and don’t tolerate users who push that boundary, that doesn’t sound unreasonable when there are 600 or so other servers you could move to or start your own. If they haven’t banned you outright congratulations, you get another chance to participate.

    IDK, I’ve somehow managed to avoid more than 1 or 2 comment removals on any of the instances (despite being infamous in .world for getting into it all the fucking time) over the last year, maybe it’s not a problem with their moderation but a problem with… dare I say it?.. you?