• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I think the issue might be that the config changes haven’t been properly committed. Docker container won’t just update based on docker compose config.

    docker container stop
    docker container rm

    You might want to delete and reset any settings which have been set

    docker volume ls
    docker volume rm (IDs from docker volume ls)

    (This will also wipe out any backups/accounts made on immich already tho)

    But once you have deleted the old containers, running docker compose up -d will start the containers with the new config. You can use docker compose logs -f to see the server logs and check if everything is working.

  • Nemo/most file explorers have a remote server option. For nemo, “Files > Connect to server”. Once configured, you should be able to view your server files from your file explorer and uploading files should be as easy as drag and drop. I’m pretty sure nautilis has something similar too!

    It’s not the best for security because if someone gets your computer, they can access your server through the file explorer. But it’s fast and convenient if you are already using your file explorer.

  • Its the mathematical term for estimation and constructing new data from existing data. In the context of what you are doing, it’s resizing images.

    You are doing something called linear interpolation. This works great for shrinking an image. However, have you considered what happens when your ASCII resolution is greater than your image resolution? This is where bilinear and bicubic interpolation come in.

    These algorithms are cool but are also massive overkill for your average use case. They only make a different in a very niche use case (when your ASCII resolution is greater than your image, such as pixelart)

    Great code! Very cool