• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Religion in itself is not evil, but it definitely can be used in a very evil way, but I don’t think ‘kill all religion’ is the way to combat it, instead we should educate ppl about what their religion actually says, it’s pretty clear that Jesus was a socialist who wanted the rich to pay their taxes, and Islam has a mandatory charity every muslim has to give, just to name a few things, but people don’t know all this, because all they have been taught is ‘kill anyone who is not like you’, and also show that religion is something you can share, not force, and this again ties back to what I said about conservatism, people don’t want to accept they are wrong about somethings they believe in

  • Ofc, they have been committing crimes especially in the middle east ever since my parents were born, and have directly and indirectly killed millions, but ofc they always get away with it, however if someone else does the same, they get freaking bombed, I hate every autocratic dictatorship around the world but I just have a personal grudge with the democratic US, I don’t think anyone has killed more than them, while also being directly responsible for the rise of radical organizations around the world

  • You see lemmy has decided whenever anything bad happens religion is to blame, Measles? Religion, Global Warming? Religion, War? Religion

    Idk what the fuck is going on in the US, but from what I can tell is that they are using religion as an excuse to do whatever the fuck they want (anyone who has the slightest knowledge of the bible knows this is wrong anyway), while also not changing their conservative mindset, I live in a religious conservative society as well and it is 100% the conservativesm I have a problem with, not with people believing in a god

    Edit: And I am not a christian either before I get comments like ‘gO aWaY buTthUrt ChrISTOfacIst lol’, I just have studied a fair share of major religions