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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Great build for a gaming PC. For a server it looks odd. Usually when building a server, your main concern is reliability. Everything goes in pairs. Two CPUs, Two PSUs… It gets tedious fast. Often weaker but much more energy efficient parts are prefered, since unused CPU and RAM is considered wasted.

    It would be much more helpful if you have a usecase you’re building it for (since now I really can’t comment too much on the build). If your primary concern is to try to have a home server, I’d say go for it. You can always upgrade/downgrade down the line.

  • I have had the exact same idea, ever since I found out about fediverse. It’s just difficult to find ways to trust of the network. Never managed to think of a way for easy self-moderation. Money does bring an insane perversion to try and game the system.

    I’m guessing the federation part if done correctly with moderation might bring more trust to the network. Since this is an idea about physical commerce, I’m guessing that having a “store” gps location could be useful for partitioning the network node search priority. Highest chance that you would like to buy from your neighbour and not from across the continent first. Otherwise with the amount of items that will be scanned is nightmare-ish.

    Somewhere in the comments there is a mention about dropping crypto as a source of trust. If the store needs trust of a user, it doesn’t sound unreasonable to have your national identity there.

    Other source of trust and identity, could be friends. It’s easy to trust direct friends and friend of friend. Knowing that it most likely will have up to 5 jumps, that could be a way to “check” if you are trusted on the network. That does bring the bootstrapping problem

    Hope my ramblings will be somewhat useful.

  • These stats are more or less what is reported in my country. Can’t fact check everything, since it’s more or less the first time it got some shade. Most pro-russian populus here also support Putin and find Ukrainians as nazis, so this didn’t seem far fetched.

    Seeing different level of protests in Russia (against the war) and in Belarus (against Lukashenko) does show that participation was/is quite little. Even before the war, there were larger protests after Navalny.

    There were a few Russians I can deeply respect and can call good russians, but they are the minority sadly. For example Ruslan Zizin.

  • So far, “fitting in” has been the worst excuse for stealing. So, can people go into an IShop and steal Iphones because they want to fit in?

    No, stealing an object is not copying my dude. I don’t encourage stealing unless it’s a basic human right ( water/food stealing for survival is another subject for example ).

    How is stealing anyone’s effort and hard work fine? Just because the work can be duplicated easily doesn’t mean that it didn’t take a lot of effort to produce and should be sold individually.

    Again copying is not stealing. I’m not disregarding he should not be compensated for his work. I’m against pay walling for people who can’t afford the information. It’s needlessly cruel.

    Imagine telling a book author that they only sold a copy because everyone agrees copying and sharing his book was fine. It took him 5 years to write it. He’d probably kill himself. Again just because something can be duplicated doesn’t mean it doesn’t take work!!!

    Imagine me writing a new book which basically is the same book, then going full on on ads and selling way more then the first guy. Then suing the first guy for stealing my ideas (disregarding the fact it was I who stole) and getting a monopoly on it. Then imagine it becoming a staple book on which everyone in an industry must have. Is it ethical to steal from me or not?

  • I doubt they do not admit they want and enjoy shit for free.

    Before arguing for the ethicality maybe come up with a solution or at least disapprove the new media piracy.

    There is no solution I can think of, unless something radical like UBI. Also I can’t disapprove the new media privacy, because I find it more positive than negative. Some people losing money (negative), me not getting beaten up on the street for fun by teenagers because they are bored (positive).

    One of the arguments for pirating new media is the demo effect. If you want to play a game, you don’t want to spend money then realize you don’t really enjoy it. Used to be a standard, now demo versions are non existing. Bought a few games after finishing them and enjoying. Same with movies.

  • Capitalism is important, never said it wasn’t. It actually gamifies our choices as producers, also helps by providing a metric of desires. The fact is people need food and it works well (we will ignore the subsidies on food production) to produce it and distribute it. The taxes works as a great tool to force you into the game. The problem pirates see, is that you can monopolize on a production of a product and ruin the game for all. For example when during a crisis someone starts selling water for 25 dollars a bottle due to being the only available provider at which point that is seen as unethical and stealing as ethical. So with this view people see it ethical, because there are tribalisism reasons why you more or less must have consumed a piece of media in order to fit in.