Trying to spread the idea that humans need to evolve beyond our current stage based on mutual exploitation and learn to again live on this planet sustainably and without coercion.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • Let’s see, on one side you have conventional medicine, where doctors where doing lobotomies as recently as the late 1960s, the Sackler family who just recently pretty much literally got millions addicted to opiates and are using corporate law to shield them, while other corporations operating within the realms of conventional medicine are selling them drugs to help them shit (opiates make you constipated). Doctors tell kids they are hyper and need meth because they can’t sit still and quietly learn to become a capitalist slave.

    I don’t know that conventional medicine is in a place where they can claim the moral high ground. For every BS chiropractor there are 500 BS pharmaceutical reps or paid off doctors/scientists raking in millions. Have you not seen TV lately? Are those drug ads all noble and the chiropractor is the only bad guy?

    There are so many more examples of the fucked up nature of conventional medicine but somebody’s gotta smoke that pile of weed next to me.

    I want to be clear - the theoretical foundations for chiropractic are BS, but some of the treatments may indeed be helpful, homeopathy is BS 100%.

  • Paying money to get nothing and still have the original problem is not the inexpensive option though.

    But a person can indeed fix their car effectively, and sometimes a chiropractor can help.

    My mom had an issue in her shoulder that caused her to literally sob in pain and went to various regular doctors for about a year (it was a while ago so unsure of the exact timeframes). Those doctors gave her steroids which helped the pain but ultimately exacerbated the problem. She went to PT with limited success and was about to have surgery when she decided to try a chiropractor. Note that throughout this, affordability was not a concern. The first treatment helped significantly and several more treatments essentially resolved the issue whatever it was.

    The foundations of chiropractic are indeed BS, but that doesn’t imply that any action taken by a chiropractor is inherently unsound. Regular medicine has a history of being wrong, it’s unlikely that in 2023 we figured it all out 100% and anything of any use is part of standard medicine.

  • people want specialized agents for specialized functions

    All of us have grown up in authoritarian systems, trained to look to the state for answers and safety. It’s not surprising that people trained to look to police for safety and penalized for protecting themselves “want” police of some sort.

    Take notes. Might be useful to someone.

    I never said might isn’t useful, it’s incredibly useful to those looking to coerce others. I’m saying it’s the desire to coerce others that is the problem, and law enforcement is the muscle behind the coercion. What reasons are there to coerce another that are not fucked up?

    1. There is much that you are probably unaware of – prior to 2020, many if not most people in the U.S. including myself were unaware of just how problematic the police were. I’m not poor or black and had no direct experience, I thought there were a few bad apples in Compton, CA and NYC etc but assumed most cops were decent and just trying to keep the peace.

    2. If you are correct and your police are not currently fucked up, I think your situation is temporary at best. Many things go through a similar cycle, they start out apparently working great or at least good enough and either the problems become more visible as you become more aware, or they get corrupted over time. Think about how many small companies (ahem, Google) start out with noble intentions and full of good people, but because of the profit motive seek power, and become corrupt. Think about taking a new job with energy and optimism and realizing over months it’s not what you thought because of entrenched power.

    Make no mistake, if it’s not already this way, the laws will be changed in favor of the police as their unions get more powerful and their ability to get friends into high place improves. As the number of bad apples comes to outnumber the good ones, any real freedom or obligation to go against orders or do the right thing and blow a whistle disappears. As the number of atrocities that must be covered up grows, the mechanisms become darker and darker (just like in the Catholic Church) and the people involved more and more sick in the head.

    Any time you have a concentration of power you will attract those that want power. It may take a couple decades but the “good cops” you have now will be replaced and then you will have little recourse to correct the problem because you will have a heavily armed, well funded gang full of sadists with a license to kill and powerful unions to protect them.

    Authority is like a pile of steaming shit and psychopaths and sadists are like flies. This effectively leaves each society with a choice to make:

    1. Make piles of shit (positions of power) and just deal with the flies and the consequences (i.e. eventual fascism or something like it)

    2. Make piles of shit and attempt to keep the flies away (this has never in history worked for more than a generation or so)

    3. Don’t make piles of shit (arguably how humanity lived for 200,000 year prior to the emergence of state power) and live a life with few flies, nothing you can’t swat away. This is called anarchism.

  • The fact of the matter is that police sign up (i.e. volunteer to do this for pay) to allow themselves to be ordered to do anything including using lethal force against other people they do not know, to ensure the authoritarians in charge get their way.

    The fact that a few nice individuals are deluded, were mislead, got stuck, or have hope they can somehow change the situation, this fact remains true.

    I knew a cop too, I was friends with his daughter for many years. He seemed a nice guy from what I saw. She told me about how he abused her growing up and yet she still thought he was the greatest man to ever live and dated guys just like him.