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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Although the Israeli army’s Conscience Committee can decide to allow exemption from military service, this is usually granted only to those conscientious objectors who refuse to serve on religious grounds. However, according to the UN Human Rights Committee, no discrimination is permitted “among conscientious objectors on the basis of the nature of their particular beliefs” - i.e. whether they are religious or otherwise. Even though Israeli law does allow for exemption on grounds of pacifism, the army’s Conscience Committee frequently rejects pacifists’ cases. The authorities deny objectors the possibility of performing alternative civilian service. Conscientious objectors in Israel can be convicted of and imprisoned for the same “offence” repeatedly. In 2003, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention said that this practice flouts the rights of conscientious objectors under international human rights standards which prohibit “double jeopardy”.

    Your point was already refuted in the article from amnesty I linked.

  • a vegan lifestyle actually requires a fair amount of effort and learning about nutrition

    I was actually surprised by how little effort it really took? Like replace butter with margarine, slave milk with oatmilk and, unless you’re baking, eggs aren’t actually that important.

    The rest is just choosing different meals. Roasted vegetables, fried rice, bulgur, beans etc. instead of steak or sausages or what have you. Get some starchy stuff, some veggy stuff, some proteiny stuff = heathy meal. Most nonvegans live less healthy than that. Then there really is only the B12 debate left, and if you want to err on the safe side just take some supplements. They’re really cheap.

    Sure, it wasn’t 0 effort, but it wasn’t exactly rocket science either. Just kind of look at what you’re eating, throw out the non-vegan stuff and go from there. If you have any qualms about the exploitation of beings with a consciousness, who can feel the pain and suffering when their kids are killed just give it a try.

  • Here the full address:

    Notable bits:

    Today the Supreme People’s Assembly newly legalized the policy of our Republic toward the south on the basis of putting an end to the nearly 80 year-long history of inter-Korean relations and recognizing the two states both existing in the Korean peninsula.

    As solemnly clarified at the 2023 December Plenary Meeting of the Party Central Committee, our Party, government and people had shown great magnanimity and tireless patience and made sincere efforts always with the view that those of the ROK are still the fellow countrymen and compatriots in the long period of history and even discussed with them the great cause of national reunification in a candid manner.

    But it is the final conclusion drawn from the bitter history of the inter-Korean relations that we cannot go along the road of national restoration and reunification together with the ROK clan that adopted as its state policy the all-out confrontation with our Republic, dreaming of the “collapse of our government” and “unification by absorption,” and lost compatriotic consciousness, getting more vicious and arrogant in the madcap confrontational racket.

    The north-south relations have been completely fixed into the relations between two states hostile to each other and the relations between two belligerent states, not the consanguineous or homogeneous ones any more. This is the present situation of the relations between the north and the south today caused by the heinous and self-destructive confrontational maneuvers of the ROK, a group of outsiders’ top-class stooges, and the true picture of the Korean peninsula just unveiled before the world.

    I have already recalled at the recent plenary meeting that the so-called constitution of the ROK openly stipulates that “the territory of the ROK covers the Korean peninsula and its attached islands”.

    There is no provision specifying such definition in the existing constitution of our country. Since our Republic definitely defined the ROK as a foreign country and the most hostile state after completely eliminating the original concept contradictory to reality that the ROK is the partner for reconciliation and reunification and the fellow countrymen, it is necessary to take legal steps to legitimately and correctly define the territorial sphere where the sovereignty of the DPRK as an independent socialist nation is exercised.

    In my opinion, we can specify in our constitution the issue of completely occupying, subjugating and reclaiming the ROK and annex it as a part of the territory of our Republic in case of a war breaks out on the Korean peninsula.

    And I think it is right to specify in the relevant paragraph of our constitution that such linguistic remnants misinterpreting the north and the south as fellow countrymen as “3 000-ri tapestry-like land” and “80 million compatriots” are not used in the political, ideological, mental and cultural life of our people, and that education should be intensified to instill into them the firm idea that ROK is their primary foe and invariable principal enemy.

    For the present, we should take strict stepwise measures to thoroughly block all the channels of north-south communication along the border, including the one of physically and completely cutting off the railway tracks in our side, which existed as a symbol of north-south exchange and cooperation, to an irretrievable level.

    We should also completely remove the eye-sore “Monument to the Three Charters for National Reunification” standing at the southern gateway to the capital city of Pyongyang and take other measures so as to completely eliminate such concepts as “reunification”, “reconciliation” and “fellow countrymen” from the national history of our Republic.