My namesake is a human librarian that was turned into an orangutan. All he says is “Ook” and can traverse the library stacks with great ease. He is happy.

I have a pretty strange knowledge set. I’m not super friendly, but I like to get high and link people to stuff. Just pretend I said only “ook”

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • I actually love that we have resourses like this.

    My gripe is that they miss the mark by targeting new dads. The reason dad jokes are great is they are the first jokes your kid understands. So I would think dads of 4 to 9 year-olds would be a better target.

    The high you feel when your kid cracks up at some offhand dumb joke can’t be bottled.

    But the reason I love this as a resourse is that explaining jokes to a curious child develops connections in their head in a way that only a parenting rolemodel can really do. So even if it’s not laugh-out-loud funny to explain a joke, if your child tells you that they do not get a joke, first and foremost realize that is a vunerable admission. Buddies will rag on you for not getting it. Parents see a gap in their kids’ world experience that they can fill.

  • I remember playing with qcad. It was awful, but it was the best FOSS CAD I found. AutoCAD was unrivaled from when I learned it in 1999 and remained that way until I had drifted away. I think I played with qcad around 2011.

    I found OpenSCAD about 3 years ago, and it knocked by socks off. I’d like to see how mature FreeCAD is now.

    In my high school, we had semesters. The first semester you took drafting, it was on drafting tables with Tsquare, triangles, compasses, and stuff. In your 4 years there, there were 8 semesters. You could technically take it 8 times. I think I took it four. So I had 3 semesters of autocad.

    2006 was an easy time for me to lose Windows. Do you remember how much worse Windows was back in 200*? Everything had viruses. There were TV ads promising they could get your computer running “like new”. Viruses were so common that people seemed to think computers slowed down with age.

    So I’m ignorant about FreeCAD, but FOSS is so powerful now I’m excited to check it out.

  • I said “read the meme” because that is all I was addressing. The title is just engagement-bait as far as I’m concerned. It’s either a meme or question. I’m sure others are here for the question but not the meme. And therefore, I’m being engagement-baited. Who knows, but I was clear about what I was talking about.

    I just think saying “you’re completely missing the point” to a comment that is perfectly on topic is completely uncalled for.

    I reason I think git is dead-simple to “self-host” is because I do it. I’m not a computer guy. I just used svn to version control some papers with fellow grad students. (it didn’t last, i was the only one that liked it.) so now i use git for some notes i archive. I’m not saying there aren’t tools to considerably upgrade the easy-of-use factor that would require some tech skills I don’t possess, but I stand by point.