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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • best anti-virus I’ve ever used? my gut n’ noggin.

    been online for 30 years and have never once got a virus or trojan or anything and I pirate A LOT. My point being you’re not going to find a super duper great anti-virus program and they’re all gonna be annoying and provide false positives etc. Windows defender is going to ping you a lot cause you’re using cracks to alter admin settings to get your pirated shit to work, that’s the point.

    Download from trusted sources and uploaders, do your research. if it feels off or looks iffy then bounce out. People who get virus’ and trogans and shit honstly don’t know what they’re doing and in many cases it’s all hogwash anyways to sell you anti-virus programs.

    Like really, truly, think about it for a moment who in your entire life has recently gotten a computer virus? out of all the people I know in my life I can’t even think of a single person that has.

  • ICQ and IRC were older and more popular just before AIM. I first got online in 96 or 97 and then it was all mIRC and ICQ (Hell I still remember my ICQ number off the top of my head, 18982172) then I’d say around 99/00 it transitioned primarily to AIM with a bit of ICQ and other random chatrooms that were “cooler” than IRC like “The Palace” which was essentially irc but with avatars.

    But then with Trillium or like Pigeon it all transitioned to that and in a weird way message boards circled back around and replaced chat rooms. Things just gradually got more and more isolated. Then Myspace and eventually Facebook replaced all of that and eventually discord just replaced everything.

    I don’t use Discord, I can’t stand it. I miss the days of IRC and ICQ.

  • No my political analysis is more sophisticated than yours based on your previous aided comments. And yes I said aided because the words you type aren’t your own. Your English grammar isn’t natural and it’s quite awkward, it’s good just not natural. you need more training. So if I may provide a “protip” to you and your superiors in Russia or India or where ever you’re operating out of I would highly suggest more classes in natural speech and writing. Right now you look like you copy and paste directly from a chatgpt client. In fact that’s exactly what you’re doing.

    in the span of 24 hours you’ve started posting on Lemmy again after a year off. A year ago your comments were different. no where near as elaborate and the grammar was different, also more spelling mistakes from a year ago. And then you went back to how you type now. One moment your spelling and grammar are great, the next they’re not, so it’s painfully obvious multiple people are using your account. And it’s not like you change up your habits based on what community you post to, no you change your habits on a whim. you call people bro and you say “y’all” or “yo” one moment and a few hours later you’re back on chatgpt text.

    and you follow all the same tropes that known foreign trolls are known to do. post in news, world news annnnnd personal finance communities. That’s the tell that all you guys give away, constantly.

    I mean we can debate all you want but I have zero desire to talk to a copy and pasting ruskie bot.