Just a humble squid that over produces slime. Buy my slime, its a medical wonder, cures halitosis, weird eye syndrome, bolding.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 31st, 2024


  • I am not able to be professional in this, according to the top comment, I think. I will try still, in whatever ways I can, and maybe one day find a bridge to give me the space to explain my beliefs.

    you are passionate about writing and expression so fuck if people fail to see it thats on them.

    I used to have strong beliefs, but therapy showed me the scars that I carry into every decision I make as anxiety unknown. I know now, at least.

    sorry this is what your going through, i am in a similar struggle with mental health, therapist says its cptsd from an awful childhood. i know its difficult but i am glad to see you can express yourself so well. i would like to go back to the original post and say while i have gone on to see value as meaningless previously i guess that was a simplified answer maybe even dishonest: value is inherent in all, but it is also unquantifiable you have value but you and i and everyone else are so nuanced and finicky that the human brain would be unable to conceptualize this type of value but thats not to say we have no worth, to me this conversation has been incredibly interesting and for that you have value and maybe like wise to yourself.

    I hope I’ve proven your description of poetic wrong by now haha

    i am sorry to say but nope, i will have to look out for your user name, not a poetic but i am an avid reader and love creative writing.

  • Perceived value changes with age, as a teen I had value in how I looked, the clothes I wore and social circles I was in. Regretfully I also had value in that my value was more then others as they lacked looks, or expensive clothes, they’re social circle was perceived less than mine. now I am older I perceived my value in the house I rented and the things I owned, the low paid job I worked, and again I had perceived to have more value as others had less.

    Once my life hit rock bottom, parent figure died, cheated on for a year, lost a good job, it became apparent that value is a means to suppress.