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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I was 19 when I had my so-far worst one, now 28. I dealt with it by going trail running. I had an intramural trail running club I was helping to lead at the time, and wound up captaining for a couple of years, and I would go extra hard with the lead group because at the time it felt like pushing myself through the pain helped my mental suffering (and it was healthier than self-harm). About six months after the breakup I set a five-mile time at a community race that was a good two minutes faster than my previous PR, and which I haven’t come close to since.

    I also had really supportive friends and wrote some really angsty songs.

    That being said, I also almost had to drop out of college because my grades tanked, and only got to stay because I was lucky enough to qualify into the music department on a good audition for a probationary quarter, and then get my shit together long enough to pass the classes I needed to declare the major. So your mileage may vary.

  • The modern state of Israel exists because a bunch of Christian doomsdayers thought that it existing would make Jesus come back and end the world, and post-WWII seemed like the perfect time to redraw some borders with no consideration for the people already living there. That’s the death cult you’re talking about.

    And I know Judaism views Israel as its ancestral homeland. It’s not like the Jews have no claim to it whatsoever. Additionally, I understand that post-WWII genuinely was a great time to give the Jewish people some reparations. But you’re acting like they’ve been there the whole time and no one else also has a claim to it, and you’re further acting like after the European Christian death cult moved them in there (again, to try and make Jesus come back and end the world), they didn’t then spend the next 70 years viciously subjugating the Palestinians who’d actually been living there for ages.

    MLK Jr. said that a riot is the last voice of the unheard. That’s not true about every riot, but if you have been aware of the geopolitics of this region of the world for more than like a month? and are not being a disingenuous shitbag, then this is the exact type of riot he was talking about. I know you have a lot of trouble with the not being a disingenuous shitbag part, but fortunately it seems like most people here also recognize that.

  • Coal rolling was bad for the environment. So they outlawed a large amount of car tuning. This causes damage to the car culture and a good hobby for a large number of citizens.

    the “downside” you state is actually a benefit to society

    Water, being a limited resource in California, made it finable to water your lawn or wash your car in a drought, even though farming and business use 96% of total water usage. Normal people water usage isn’t going to solve the problem

    i do agree that agricultural and business uses are a bigger deal than lawns or car washing in terms of water use, and the fact that almonds are farmed in california is a goddamn travesty, to name but one example. however, lawns cause or exacerbate way more problems to a much greater extent than you probably realize, and reducing how many of them we have, ideally in favor of local ecology if not just denser land use patterns, is a much greater benefit than you’re giving it credit for. california’s zoning codes have also been improving in this regard, though they’re still… not great. point is that i do agree with you that that policy doesn’t focus where it’s really needed, but it’s also not as useless as you think.

    Gun policies that dont allow suppressors, short barrel rifles, etc, but in reality, the vast majority of gun crime and accidents are all based around handguns.

    a fair critique, but also, far fewer californians per capita die to gun violence vs. the national average. i’m sure other factors play into that, but it certainly isn’t evidence that the policy hasn’t helped.

    now, i’ll give you two examples of my own. early in governor gavin’s term, he was given a bill called “complete streets” that would have dramatically improved pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure throughout the whole state, and he vetoed it. and that sucked major ass. but then he went ahead and signed sb50, which forces all municipalities in the state to build some actual goddamn housing, and specifically dense housing near transit. and i’m a huge fan of that. san jose has really jumped on it with gusto and has actually had their average rent drop somewhat, although the bill is still relatively new and its benefits aren’t likely to really be felt for a while yet. my main criticism here is how tons of the cities here are so nimbyed out the ass that it took the state government’s intervention to do literally anything about the housing crisis.

    there is much to critique about california, but not all california critiques are created equal.

  • Crazy expensive: yes.

    Californians are annoying and elitist: well, a disproportionate number of annoying and elitist rich people live here, but I think they give the rest of us an undeserved bad name. That is my personal opinion and not a definitive, objective statement of fact, but I feel like I have a decent read on it as a lifelong Californian.

    Has big social problems in cities: name me one state that doesn’t.