In the Bible, it says clearly that no one should make a dare to edit or correct the Bible by any words. But many chapters and contents are extremely censored from the original Bible. How is this acceptable, and how do we know the truth and full story about the entire life?

(Finally, some of the replies and trolls I received made me more confused. But thanks a lot for the reference replies.)

  • Alb087@lemmy.mlOP
    2 months ago

    I mean the original bible that written by collection of texts written in different languages (Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic) over a period of 200-300 BCE.

      2 months ago

      There are estimated to be between 200,000 and 400,000 significant deviations (i.e. not just spelling mistakes) in the New Testament manuscripts we now have. Scholars make educated guesses about what the correct wording is, but those are still guesses.

      You know the story of the adulteress who is going to be stoned? That was added at least 100 years after the rest of the Gospel of John was written.

      The oldest surviving manuscripts of the Book of Luke, which was the first gospel written, ends with the women running away from the empty tomb and not telling anyone. It is believed that the resurrection story was added later.

      Bart Ehrman does a very good job of explaining these issues on his YouTube channel.