How has it been for you? Do you get FOMO feeling sometimes?

I use Reddit less and less but haven’t fully quit yet. Always have this odd feeling of FOMO regards content.

Not only that, some subreddits haven’t migrated to any other platform unfortunately. Or they have but the content is very little compared to Reddits content.

Note - wasn’t sure where to post this. So if this wasn’t the right place, apologies!

The issue I have with Reddit - it’s full of hateful people and most content is just bots karma farming.

EDIT: Thanks for all the responses!

EDIT 2: Thanks for the ones that mentioned RSS-Feed. Just got it and it’s amazing. Still manage to only follow the subreddits that I like without crapads.

    11 months ago

    The things I miss from Reddit are mostly very niche. I left and haven’t been back mostly because I refuse to use their BS app, and I refuse to see ads. I was a mobile Reddit user so I didn’t use it on the computer much.

    I do miss doing gaming giveaways of extra stuff for like animal crossing and so on. And I miss helping newbies with games (mostly retro gaming stuff). Other than that Reddit was a time sink for me and I have other places to use my time.

    I don’t get FOMO. I mostly miss interacting with other people. Talking about opinions. Finding people who agree with me about niche stuff. People don’t seem to interact as much here and I don’t think that’s because of the lack of content.

    But I don’t see the point of going back to Reddit. The experience of trawling through the muck to get to a few grains of what I want just doesn’t appeal to me. All reports I’ve seen suggest that it’s just getting worse and I was struggling with the experience before the API debacle.